Important information about our business:

Mortgage BLISS Limited is a Licensed Financial Advice Provider issued by the FMA to provide financial advice services. Financial Services Provider Number is FSP1003885.


Our office contact details

Address:  31 Shaw Road RD1 Whakatane




Nature and Scope of financial advice services

Our Services

Personal Insurance

Products we can provide financial advice about

  • Life Insurance
  • Trauma Insurance
  • Total and Permanent Disablement Insurance
  • Monthly Disability Insurance
  • Private Health Insurance

Our fees

We do not charge you a fee if you decide to take out an insurance policy following our advice. The insurance provider will pay us a commission if you decide to take up our advice.



Mortgage BLISS Limited Advisors receive commissions from the relevant insurance providers if you choose to take up my advice and a policy is put in force. The commissions are between 0% and 240% of the first year’s policy premiums. We will also receive 0% to up to 25% of the policy premiums for each year the policy is in force.

The commission are shared with Mortgage BLISS Limited and the Advisor.


Conflicts of interest or other incentives 

Some product providers may subsidise training, technology solutions and compliance costs for Mortgage BLISS Limited.

Mortgage BLISS Limited Advisors are paid commissions by product providers when a policy goes into force and at the annual renewal of a policy.

I also undergo annual training on how to manage any conflicts of interest.

Mortgage BLISS Limited is subject to a yearly audit and compliance reviews to ensure we meet our obligations while doing right by our clients.

All Mortgage BLISS Limited Advisors ensure that they prioritise your interests by following an advice process that considers your circumstances and goals. A thorough comparison of suitable products and services available to meet your needs is completed during this process to support our recommendations. 


How we manage any conflicts of interest

To ensure our advisors prioritise our clients’ interests:

  • We follow an advice process that ensures our recommendations are made appropriately, based on client’s goals and circumstances.
  • All our advisors undergo annual training about how to manage conflicts of interest.
  • We maintain register of conflicts of interests and the gifts and incentives we receive. These registers are monitored regularly, and additional training is provided as required.
  • We undertake an annual independent Compliance Assurance Review. 


Our duties and obligations to you

We are bound by the duties of the Financial Markets Conduct Act (431I, 431K, 431L and 431M) to:

  • Meet the standards of competence, knowledge and skill set out in the Code of Conduct
  • Give priority to the clients’ interest and
  • Exercise care, diligence and skill and
  • Meet the standards of ethical behaviour, conduct, and client care set out in the Code of Conduct.


Our Internal complaints process

If you have a problem, concern or complaint about any part of our advice or service, please tell us so that we can try to fix the problem.  

Our internal complaints handing process is as follows:

  1. Acknowledge your complaint with your Advisor.
  2. If you are not able to resolve your complaint by step 1 with your Advisor, email and our Complaints Manager will contact you within 2 business days. We may need further information about your complaint, our aim is to resolve the complaint within 10 working days but will contact you if we require more time to consider the complaint.
  3. If your complaint cannot be resolved through our internal complaints process as per step 1 and step 2 we encourage you to refer to our independent dispute’s resolution scheme Financial Services Complaints Limited.

Our external complaints process:

If we cannot agree on how to fix the issue, or if you decide not to use the internal complaints scheme, you can contact our external disputes resolution scheme – Financial Services Complaints Ltd. This service will cost you nothing and will help us resolve any complaints.

You can contact Financial Services Complaints Limited at:

Address           PO Box 5967, Wellington 6145

Phone              0800 347 257
